“ Transform the energy of your genes into the energy of your life! ”
International genomics and anti-ageing expert
Prof, Dr. Elena Baranova

Personalized approach based on integrative genomic medicine, will help you to:
- Optimize your genes activity
- Normalize hormonal balance
- Activate rejuvenation processes
- Deal with burnout and chronic fatigue
- Excess weight regulation
- Cope with chronic stress and sleep disorders

Professor Elena Baranova

Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Doctor of Sciences (PhD, HDR)
EU Commission expert
(since 2003) for:
“Genomics, Life Science and Biotechnology for Health & Personalised Medicine”.
Honorary Member of the World Council
Preventive Medicine – WOCPM
World Medical Society SPA, British Society for Environmental Medicine,
Spanish Society, Swiss Society, French Society of Neurophysiologists.
Author and Genetix patent holder (since 2006)
for a unique information expert decision
Support System for genomics and development of personalised programmes.
Author of many publications in different languages and books in genomics and anti-ageing medecine (see bellow)
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Doctor of Sciences (PhD, HDR)
«The woman of the year» (France)
for outstanding professional achievements 2003
Creation of the first inter-university diploma in Europe for the doctors education: Predictive medicine in the daily practice of a doctor
The best scientific paper Award
World Prize, Canada
Faculty of Medicine of the Lyon University (CHU) since 2010
For Cambridge Clinical Scientific Journals
International expert
in anti-ageing medicine (since 2005) and personalized medicine (2008)
Founder of the unique approach "Genomics as the Art of Well-Being"
«The woman of the year» (France)
for outstanding professional achievements 2003
The best scientific paper Award
World Prize, Canada
Faculty of Medicine of the Lyon University (CHU) since 2010
For Cambridge Clinical Scientific Journals
International expert
in anti-ageing medicine (since 2005) and personalized medicine (2008)
Creation of the first inter-university diploma in Europe for the doctors education: Predictive medicine in the daily practice of a doctor
Founder of the unique approach "Genomics as the Art of Well-Being"

Elena Baranova is the author of numerous scientific publications and different books about genomics, personalized prevention and its practical application for doctors and the public.
The main challenge in my work is to help people activate and use their genetic potential, which facilitates the release of physical, mental and emotional resources, hidden in each of us by nature.
This helped me not only improve my health, but also awaken a special energy of success. It will work for you too!
Genomic and anti-ageing programs
Genomic and anti-ageing programs
The main challenge in my work is to help people activate and use their genetic potential, which facilitates the release of physical, mental and emotional resources, hidden in each of us by nature.
This helped me not only improve my health, but also awaken a special energy of success. It will work for you too!
BARANOVA MONACO® is a unique brand based on the 25 years of international scientific, clinical and practical experience of Prof. Dr. Baranova Elena, ultimate international leader in the field of personalised genomics, anti-ageing and health.
It brings together the various original personalised techniques, patents and know-how of Prof. Baranova known as «HAUTE COUTURE» PREVENTION®️.
BARANOVA MONACO® is a unique brand based on the 25 years of international scientific, clinical and practical experience of Prof. Dr. Baranova Elena, ultimate international leader in the field of personalised genomics, anti-ageing and health.
It brings together the various original personalised techniques, patents and know-how of Prof. Baranova known as «HAUTE COUTURE» PREVENTION®️.For personal consultations and HEALTH PROGRAMS FOR LIFE
Our partners
Center of Margarita Koroleva, Moscow
Address: Moscow, 1 A Blagovechenskiy pereylok
Telephone: + 7 (495) 624 35 00, + 7 (495) 624 36 00
E-mail: info@margaritakoroleva.ru
Website: www.margaritakoroleva.ru

Clinic «DAO Health and Beauty», Moscow
Adress: 40 Leninskiy prospect
Working time: Mon-Sat, 10:00 to 21:00
Telephone: 7-925-186-86-68
Telephone: 7-495-763-78-79
E-mail: info@daoclinic.ru

Center of Margarita Koroleva, Moscow
Address: Moscow, 1 A Blagovechenskiy pereylok
Telephone: + 7 (495) 624 35 00, + 7 (495) 624 36 00
E-mail: info@margaritakoroleva.ru
Website: www.margaritakoroleva.ru
Clinic «DAO Health and Beauty», Moscow
Adress: 40 Leninskiy prospect
Working time: Mon-Sat, 10:00 to 21:00
Telephone: 7-925-186-86-68
Telephone: 7-495-763-78-79
E-mail: info@daoclinic.ru

Address: Almaty: Swiss Perfection Clinic, Shevchenko 7
Telephone: +7 (727) 2505007
Instagram: https://instagram.com/


MARGY'S Monte-Carlo Institute, Monaco
Address: Shopping Center Metropole 17, avenue des Spélugues, MONACO
Telephone: +377 93 30 15 05
E-mail: customer-service@margys.com
Website: www.margys.com

Address: Almaty: Swiss Perfection Clinic, Shevchenko 7
Telephone: +7 (727) 2505007
Instagram: https://instagram.com/swissalmaty
MARGY'S Monte-Carlo Institute, Monaco
Address: Shopping Center Metropole 17, avenue des Spélugues, MONACO
Telephone: +377 93 30 15 05
E-mail: customer-service@margys.com
Website: www.margys.com