
Elena Baranova is the author of numerous scientific publications and different books about genomics, personalized prevention and its practical application for doctors and the public.
PUBLICATIONS (selected examples only)
1 Dolgopolova NN, Baranova EV, Laskavaia NV. Abnormalities of hormonal regulation in patients with chronic forms of hepatitis B. Clinicheskaia Medicina Nov. 1989.
2 Baranov V.S., Ivaschenko T., Bakay M., Aseev M., Belozerkovskaya R., Baranova H., Malet P., Perriot J., Mouraire P Baskakov V., Savitskyi G., Deyneka I. et al. Proportion of GSTM1 genotype in some European populations and its correlations with cystic fibrosis and some multifactorial diseases; Human Genetics , 1996 (97) 516 – 20.
3 Baranova H., Perriot J., Ivaschenko T., Albuisson E., Mouraire P., Riol N., Baranov V., Malet P. Peculiarities of GST1M 0/0 denotype in French hard smokers with different types of chronic bronchitis; Human Genetics, 1997 (99), 822-6.
4 Baranova H, Botchorichvili R., Canis M., Perriot S., Baranov V., Glowaczower E., Albuisson E., Bruhat M., Malet P. GSTM1 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to endometriosis – Molecular Human Reproduction, 97 3, n9, 775-80
5 Baranov V.S., Baranova H., Mitchenko HS. Present and future of genetics. Genei out of the genes or god’s providence. (English); BJMG 1999, vol 2 (2), 3-8
6 H.Baranova, T.Ivaschenko, M.Canis, R.Bothorichvilli, V.Baranov, P.Malet, M.Bruhat.
Possible involvement of arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2, glutathione S-transferases M1 and T1 genes in development of endometriosis.Molecular Human Reproduction,1999, vol 5., N7, pp636-41.
7 Baranov V.S., Ivaschenko T., Albuisson E., Bakay M., Aseev M., Jarmolinskaya M., Selkov S., Baranova H. Feasible predictive genetic test for the treatment efficiency response in endometriosis patients; (English); BJMG 1999, vol 2 (2), 29-34
8 Garte S, Gaspari L, Alexandrie AK, Ambrosone C, Autrup H, Autrup JL, Baranova H, Bathum L, Benhamou S, Boffetta P, Bouchardy C, Breskvar K, Brockmoller J, Cascorbi I, Clapper ML, Coutelle C, Daly A, Dell’Omo M, Dolzan V, Dresler CM, Fryer A, Haugen A, Hein DW, Hildesheim A, Hirvonen A, Hsieh LL, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Kalina I, Kang D, Kihara M, Kiyohara C, Kremers P, Lazarus P, Le Marchand L, Lechner MC, van Lieshout EM, London S, Manni JJ, Maugard CM, Morita S, Nazar-Stewart V, Noda K, Oda Y, Parl FF, Pastorelli R, Persson I, Peters WH, Rannug A, Rebbeck T, Risch A, Roelandt L, Romkes M, Ryberg D, Salagovic J, Schoket B, Seidegard J, Shields PG, Sim E, Sinnet D, Strange RC, Stucker I, Sugimura H, To-Figueras J, Vineis P, Yu MC, Taioli E. Metabolic gene polymorphism frequencies in control populations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2001 Dec;10(12):1239-48
9 Baranova H,.Albuisson E, Chapy L. La médecine predictive. Définitions et perspectives. References en Obstérique et Gynécologie January 2003, 9, p 84-90
10 KM Smits1, S Benhamou2, L Gaspari3-64, MP Weijenberg1, Y Alamanos4, C Ambrosone5, H Autrup6, JL Autrup6, H Baranova7, L Bathum8, P Boffetta9, J Brockmoller10, D Butkiewicz11, I Cascorbi12, ML Clapper13, C Coutelle14, A Daly15, M Dell’Omo16, V Dolzan17, TG Duzhak18, K Farker19, S Garte3, K Golka20, A Haugen21, DW Hein22, A Hildesheim23, A Hirvonen24, L Hsieh25, M Ingelman-Sundberg26, I Kalina27, D Kang28, T Katoh29, M Kihara30, H Kim31,C Kiyohara32, P Kremers33, P Lazarus34, L Le Marchand35, MC Lechner36, S London37, JJ Manni38, CM Maugard39, GJ Morgan40, S Morita41, V Nazar-Stewart42, V Nedelcheva Kristensen43, Y Oda44, FF Parl45, WHM Peters46, A Rannug47, T Rebbeck48, LF Ribeiro Pinto49, A Risch50, M Romkes51, Jan Šalagovic27, B Schoket52, J Seidegard53, PG Shields54, E Sim55, D Sinnett56, RC Strange57, I Stucker58, H Sugimura59, J To-Figueras60, P Vineis61, MC Yu62, W Zheng63 and E Taioli64Influence of metabolic gene polymorphisms on tobacco consumption in healthy controls Cancer Epidem Biomark Prev 2003
11 Pechadre J.C, Baranova H. Traitement de l’epilepcie. Que faire avec la médecine prédictive ? Le Journal de Neurologie ; April 2003.
12 Baranova H. Nos gènes, notre santé et nous. Armand Colin, 2004 Book, French
13 Baranova H.Genomics and Personalised Prevention Programmes – a long way ahead (Review) Journal of European Anti-Ageing Medicine; Sept 2005, p 16 – 18.
14 Baranova H. DNA – meeting yourself. ACT, 2006 Book, Russian
Abstracts (selected examples only)
1 Baranova H., Perriot J., Baranov V., Ivaschenko T., Malet P. Distribution of GST M1 0/0 genotype in patients with chronic and severe forms of infectious diseases (English) – Abst., HUGO’s Human Genome Meeting; March 1996, Germany.
2 Baranova H., Akopian G., Baranov V., Hemery B., Malet P. Percentage of GST M 1 0/0 genotype in women with endometriosis in different Caucasian populations – Abst., European Society of Human Genetics; London; April 1996.
3 Branova H., Perriot J., Baranov V., Ivaschenko T., Malet P. Distribution of GST M1 0/0 genotype in patients with chronic and severe forms of infectious diseases – Abst., HUGO’s Human Genome Meeting; March 1996, Germany.
4 Baranova H, Botchorichvili R., Canis M., Perriot S., Baranov V., Glowaczower E., Hemery B., Bruhat M., Malet P.Distribution of GSTM 1 0/0 genotype in patients with endometriosis – Abst.; Vth World Congress on Endometriosis; Yokohama, Japan; Oct 1996
5 Baranova H., Malet P. Primed in situ labelling (PRINS) as a useful and reliable technique in practical genetic studies (English)– Abst., The materials of the 26th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Genetics; June 1994.
6 H.Baranova, R.Bothorichvilli, M.Canis2, E.Albuisson, B.Hemery, V.Baranov, S.Perriot, E.Glowaczower _ M.Bruhat, P.Malet Impact of CYP1A1 and GSTM1 genetic polymorphisms in predisposition to endometriosis.- Abst., HUGO’s Human Genome Meeting; March 1997, Canada
7 H.Baranova, R.Bothorichvilli, M.Canis2, E.Albuisson, B.Hemery, V.Baranov, S.Perriot, E.Glowaczower _ M.Bruhat, P.Malet Prognostic significance of GSTM1 and CYP1A1 genetic polymorphisms in patients with endometriosis. – Abst., 29 Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics; Genova, Italy, May 1997.
8 H.Baranova, E.Albuisson, V.Baranov, A. Labbé, P.Malet GSTM1 and CYP1A1 genetic polymorphisms in French patients with Cystic Fibrosis – Abst. 7th International Conference of Environmental Mutagens. Toulouse, 7-12 Septembre 1997.
9 H.Baranova, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, J.Perriot, M.Bruhat, P.Malet GSTM1 gene polymorphism and predisposition to environmentally provoked diseases – Abst International Workshop on Glutathione Transferases, Rome, Italy, 7-10 November, 1997
10 H.Baranova, T.Ivaschenko, M.Canis, R.Bothorichvilli, E.Albuisson, V.Baranov, M.Bruhat, P.Malet Detoxification system genes polymorphisms. Possible clinical relevance and prognostic significance for susceptibility and development of endometriosis – Abst , VI World Congress on Endometriosis, Quebec, Canada, June 30 – July 5 1998
11 V.Baranov, T.Ivaschenko, N.Shwed, M.Yarmolinskaya, S.Selkov, H.Baranova Participation of environmental genes: glutathione S-transferase, and N-acetyltransferase in aetiology, pathogenesis and treatment of endometriosis – Abst VI World Congress on Endometriosis, Quebec, Canada, June 30 – July 5 1999
12 H.Baranova, T.Ivaschenko, M.Canis, N.Shwed, M.Yarmolinskaya, S.Selkov,E.Albuisson, M.Bruhat, P.Malet V.Baranov The impact of glutathione S-transferase, and N-acetyltransferase in pathogenesis and treatment of endometriosis – Abst, International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations Montpellier, France, 20-24 July
13 H.Baranova, C.Bourgade, A.LabbŽ, G.Bellon, V.Baranov, P.Malet Combined analysis of glutathione S-transferase (GSTM1), N-acetyltransferase (NAT2) and microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEPHX) detoxification system genes polymorphisms in patients with cystic fibrosis – Abst, ( E.R.S. annual congress, Geneva, 19-23 September, 1998
14 H.Baranova, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, J.Perriot, M.Bruhat P.Malet
Epidemiological clinical studies of GSTM1 gene polymorphism. Three years experience – Abst, The American Journal of Human Genetics, 1997, oct, v 61, no 4, A384.
15 Baranova H.(1), Albuisson E.(1), Pouly J.L.(2), Malet P, Peculiarities of glutathione S-transferase M1 gene polymorphism in in vitro fertilization patients.
European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology, 14th Annual Meeting, June 1998, Goteborg, Sweden
16 Baranova H., Carrat C., Lemery D., Malet P. Application of Fluorescence in situ hybridization on uncultured amniocytes for rapid prenatal diagnosis of sex determination, triploidy and trisomy 18. (French) – Abst.; 7 Žme Colloque de L’Association des CytogŽnŽticiens de Langue Fran◻aise.
17 H.Baranova, M.Yarmolinskaya, T.Ivaschenko, N.Shwed, S.Selkov, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, M.Bruhat, V.Baranov. Polymorphic effects of GSTM1 and NAT2 detoxification system genes. Feasible predictive test for the treatment efficiency response in endometriosis patients. Abst., AGAH Annual Meeting. Ethnic factors: implications in Drug Therapy and Global Drug Development. 7-9 February, Heidilberg, Germany.
18 Baranova H., Albuisson E., Malet P., Pouly J.L. Glutathione S-transferase M1 deficiency in n vitro fertilization patients. Abst. 31st Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics; Geneva, Swiss 29 May – 1 June 1999.
19 Baranova H. et al., Identification of chromosome aberrations by direct non-isotopic in situ hybridization at the imprints of lymph nodes in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (English) – Chromosome Research, vol.3, sup.1, 1995.20 Baranova H., Malet P. Primed in situ labelling (PRINS) – problems and possibilities in genetic studies. (English) – Abst., The materials of the 3d Conference of the European Society of Analytical Cellular Pathology Published in April 1994.
21 Baranov V.S., Baranova H.Human Genome Project, Predisposition Genes and Preventive Medicine (predictive genetic testing today and tomorrow) Book; Preparation for publication.
22 Sant O., Baranova E., Albuisson E., Bignon YJ., Lucotte G. GSTM1 gene polymorphism and Parkinson disease. International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations Italy ,July.
23 Baranova H. Chapy L Individual Approach, HLA typing and help decision making systems. European Histocompatibility conference, March 2001
24 Baranova H., Perriot J., Ivaschenko T., Baranov V., Malet P., et al. Distribution du gŽnotype GST M1 0/0 chez les gros fumeurs fran◻ais presentant des bronchites chroniques a leur differents stades; (French) – Abst.; 8 eme Colloque de L’Association des Cytogénéticiens de Langue Française.
25 Baranova H. et al., Predictive genetic testing and help decision making systems. 10th International Congress in Human Genetics. May, 2001, Vienna, Austria.
26 Baranova H. et al., Predictive genetic testing and help decision making systems. American Society of Human Genetics. October, 2001, San Diego, USA.
27 Baranova, H., Bruhat MA.Predictive medicine benefits and pitfalls in postgenomic era. International Conference on Prospective Biology. Santorini, Greece, September 2002
28 Baranova H. Albuisson E. Teaching Predictive Medicine. International Congress in Human Genetics. Australia, July 2003
29 Baranova H Luxcury new GENEration programmes for Medical Wellness – International Congess in Anti-Aging Medicine and Medical SPAs, Dubai, Nov 2008
PRESENTATIONS AT MEETINGS (selected examples only)
1 H.Baranova et al Abnormalities of hormonal regulation in patients with chronic forms of hepatitis B. Oral Presentation (Russian) All-Soviet Union Conference of Undergraduates in Infectious Diseases, , May 1988; St Petersburg.
2 H.Baranova et al An investigation of non-specific immune responses in children with acute dysentery and salmonellosis. Oral Presentation (Russian), All-Soviet Union Conference of Undergraduates in Infectious Diseases, St Petersburg, May 1989.
3 H.Baranova et al Primed in situ labelling (PRINS); WORKSHOP.(English). International Genetic Congress August 1993 Birmingham. England.
4 H.Baranova et al Application of modern techniques in clinical cytogenetic studies – Oral presentation (English) Clinical Meeting of Obstetric and Ginecology January 1994; Clermont-Ferrand, France.
5 H.Baranova et al Microdeletions of chromosomes – Oral presentation (English) – Meeting of Society of Cytogeneticists of Clermont-Ferrand; March 1994; Clermont-Ferrand, France.
6 Primed in situ labelling (PRINS) – problems and possibilities in genetic studies – Oral presentation (English) – 3d Conference of the European Society of Analytical Cellular Pathology May 1994 ; Grenoble, France.
7 H.Baranova et al Primed in situ labelling (PRINS) as a useful and reliable technique in practical genetic studies – Poster presentation (English) – European Society of Human Genetics. 26th Annual Meeting. June 1994; Paris, France.
8 H.Baranova et al The identification of GST M 1 deletion 0/0 as a prognostic factor for cancer by PCR – Oral presentation (French) Clinical meeting of Obstetric and Ginecology January 1995, Clermont- Ferrand, France.
9 H.Baranova et al Identification d’une délétion dans le géne codant pour la GST M1 par PCR. Facteur pronostic du cancer et de différentes maladies chroniques. Oral presentation (French), September 1995; Workshop; 8 éme Colloque de L’Association des Cytogénéticiens de Langue Française; Clermont-Ferrand, France.
10 H.Baranova et al GSTM1 délétion et bronchopneumopathies chroniques. Oral presentation , (French); International Congress of Tabacology; October 1995, Paris, France.
11 H.Baranova et al Apports de l’etude de la délétion du géne GST M1 dans l’endometriose, Oral presentation (French) ,Clinical meeting of Obstetric and Ginecology February 1996, Clermont- Ferrand, France.
11 H.Baranova et al Distribution of GST M1 genotype in patients with endometriosis. Poster presentation, European Society of Human Genetics. 28th Annual Meeting. April 1996, London, England.
13 H.Baranova, R.Bothorichvilli, M.Canis2, E.Albuisson, B.Hemery, V.Baranov, S.Perriot, E.Glowaczower _ M.Bruhat, P.Malet Impact of CYP1A1 and GSTM1 genetic polymorphisms in predisposition to endometriosis.- Poster presentation, HUGO’s Human Genome Meeting; March 1997, Canada
14 H.Baranova, R.Bothorichvilli, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, B.Hemery, V.Baranov, S.Perriot, E.Glowaczower _ M.Bruhat, P.Malet Prognostic significance of GSTM1 and CYP1A1 genetic polymorphisms in patients with endometriosis. – Poster presentation, 29 Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics; Genova, Italy, May 1997.
15 H.Baranova, R.Bothorichvilli, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, B.Hemery, V.Baranov, S.Perriot, E.Glowaczower, G.Acopian, M.Bruhat, P.Malet Effects of GSTM1 gene polymorphism on the susceptibility and development of endometriosis. – Oral presentation; 1st European Cytogenetic Conference, Athenes, June 1997
16 H.Baranova, E.Albuisson, V.Baranov, A. Labbé, P.Malet GSTM1 and CYP1A1 genetic polymorphisms in French patients with Cystic Fibrosis – Poster presentation, 7th International Conference of Environmental Mutagens. Toulouse, 7-12 Septembre 1997.
17 H.Baranova, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, J.Perriot, M.Bruhat, P.Malet GSTM1 gene polymorphism and predisposition to environmentally provoked diseases – Poster presentation, International Workshop on Glutathione Transferases, Rome, Italy, 7-10 November, 1997
18 H.Baranova, T.Ivaschenko, M.Canis, R.Bothorichvilli, E.Albuisson, V.Baranov, M.Bruhat, P.Malet Detoxification system genes polymorphisms. Possible clinical relevance and prognostic significance for susceptibility and development of endometriosis – Abst (accepted), VI World Congress on Endometriosis, Quebec, Canada, June 30 – July 5 1998
19 V.Baranov, T.Ivaschenko, N.Shwed, M.Yarmolinskaya, S.Selkov, H.Baranova Participation of environmental genes: glutathione S-transferase, and N-acetyltransferase in aetiology, pathogenesis and treatment of endometriosis – Abst , VI World Congress on Endometriosis, Quebec, Canada, June 30 – July 5 1998
20 H.Baranova, T.Ivaschenko, M.Canis, N.Shwed, M.Yarmolinskaya, S.Selkov,E.Albuisson, M.Bruhat, P.Malet V.Baranov The impact of glutathione S-transferase, and N-acetyltransferase in pathogenesis and treatment of endometriosis – Abst, International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations Montpellier, France, 20-24 July.
21 H.Baranova, M.Yarmolinskaya, T.Ivaschenko, N.Shwed, S.Selkov, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, M.Bruhat, V.Baranov. Polymorphic effects of GSTM1 and NAT2 detoxification system genes. Feasible predictive test for the treatment efficiency response in endometriosis patients. Oral presentation, AGAH Annual Meeting. Ethnic factors: implications in Drug Therapy and Global Drug Development. 7-9 February, Heidilberg, Germany.22 Baranova H. Course of oral presentations in Pharmacogenetics, Ecogenetics and Predictive Medicine. (Physician’s World) Boston – NewYork, USA March ; 1999
23 Baranova H., Albuisson E., Malet P., Pouly J.L. Glutathione S-transferase M1 deficiency in n vitro fertilization patients. Poster 31st Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics; Geneva, Swiss 29 May – 1 June 1999.
24 Baranova H. Phenomenon of polymorphism and genetic diversity.(Lecture) International Congress of Biologists. Venice, Italy, 12-16 October.
25 H.Baranova, M.Yarmolinskaya, T.Ivaschenko, N.Shwed, S.Selkov, M.Canis, E.Albuisson, M.Bruhat, V.Baranov. Pharmacogenetic aspects of endometriosis. International Meeting in Disease Biomarkers. Baltimore, USA, Nov 1999.
26 Baranova H. Genetic aspects of biotransformation. Seminar. Perpignan, 23 October 1999.
27 Baranova H. Genetic aspects of biotransformation. Seminar. GRAIN; Paris 18 March 2000.
28 V.Baranov, T.Ivaschenko, Aseev M., H.Baranova .Benefits and pitfalls of predictive genetic testing
Oral presentation HGM2000, Canada, 9-12 April, 2000.30 Baranova H Individual Approach in modern medicine. Lecture. Neustadt, April, 2000.
31 Baranova H. “My friend Mike” and individual approach in modern medicine – March 2001 USA Meeting
32 Baranova H. Chapy L – HLA and help decision making system. European Histocompatibility conference, March 2001
33 Baranova H et al., Predictive genetic testing and help decision making systems. 10th International Congress in Human Genetics. May, 2001, Vienna, Austria.
34 Baranova H. et al., Predictive genetic testing and help decision making systems. American Society of Human Genetics. October, 2001, San Diego, USA.
35 Baranova H. Predictive medicine and Epilepsy – organised by Cilag; 12 September 2002, Clermont Ferrand, France
36 Baranova H. Predictive medicine: practical applications in Gynecology– organised by Scheering; 19 September 2002, Clermont Ferrand, France
37 Baranova H., Bruhat MA. “Predictive medicine benefits and pitfalls in postgenomic era.” 2002 Biologie prospective conference” From Genetic Variations to Risk Prediction and Pharmacogenomics ” September 25-28th, 2002, Santorini, Greece. Oral presentation
38 Baranova H. « Predictive medicine for patients with epilepsy » National Day of Epilepsy, November 2002, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
39 Baranova H “Predictive Medicine for physicians” Association of French physicians d’Auvergne; Clermont-Ferrand, France 14 December 2002
40 Baranova H. “Predictive Medicine based on an individual approach” Bath University, Pharmacology Department, UK, 4th December 2002
41 Baranova H. “Practical applications of Predictive Medicine. Part I” ST.Petersbourg, Russia, 10 January, 2003
42 Baranova H. “Predictive Medicine and Pediatry” Clermont-Ferrand, 16 January, 2003
43 Baranova H. “Practical applications of Predictive Medicine. Part II” St.Petersbourg, Russia, April 19- 25, 2003 (6 lectures for medical doctors)
44 Baranova H. “Predictive Medicine based on an individual approach” Paris. Medi.LD Society. 26th April 2003
45 Baranova H. “Introduction in Predictive Medicine” Greece. Medi.LD Society. 11th May 2003
46 Baranova H. “Practical Applications of predicitive genetic testing” XII International Congress in Homeopathy, Paris, 18th May 2003
47 Baranova H. “What’s new in new genetics?” Plenary Seminar of International Society in Predictive Medicine; 4 -5 October 2003
48 Baranova H. “Practical applications of nutrigenetics” Plenary Seminar of International Society in Predictive Medicine; 6 March 2004
49 Baranova H. “Nutrigenetics and anti-aging” World Congress in Anti-Aging, 19-21 March 2004
50 National radio programme “Predictive Medicine” (direct translation) “FRANCE CULTURE” –
15 February 2005
51 Baranova H. “European strategies for anti-aging medicine and personalised prevention” World Congress in Anti-Aging, Monaco, 12-16 March 2005
52 Baranova H. “Genomics for anti-aging medicine” World Congress in Anti-Aging, Paris, March 2006
53 Baranova H. “Genomics for anti-aging medicine. Myth and reality” World Congress in Anti-Aging, Moscow, April 2006
54 Baranova H. 2 workshops “Genomics – the art of wellbeing” World Congress in Anti-Aging, 12-16 Monaco, March 2007
55 Baranova H. “Genomics and micronutritional approaches for chronic fatigue syndrome” World Congress in Anti-Aging, Monaco, March 2007
56 Baranova H. “Evidence Based medicine in genomics and anti-aging” World Congress in Anti-Aging, Moscow, April 2007
57 Baranova H. Seminar “Genomics – the art of wellbeing. Practical applications” St.Petersbourg July 2007
58 Baranova H. “Genomics of interactions – the art of wellbeing.” 11 International congress in integrative medicine St.Petersbourg July 2007
59 Baranova H. . Baranov V.S. From nutrigenomics to preventive anti-ageing programmes; reality and frequent mistakes. 5 year experience.. Workshop on Ethical Issues raised by Personalized Nutrition, Lund University, Sweden, August 2007
60 Baranova H. Nutrigenomics – the powerful tool of personalized prevention. How to proceed in practice?” European Congress in Gerontology, St.Petersbourg, July 2007
61 Baranova H. New look on anti-aging medicine through genomics and Evidence Based Medicine. What can be done in practice? British Anti-Ageing Conference, London, UK. 14 – 16 September 2007
62 Baranova H. Genomics for anti-aging medicine . New perspectives and mistakes. Spanish Society of AAM Annual Meeting. Barcelona, Spain, 27-30 September 2007
63 Baranova H. Nutrigenomics – the new look at anti-aging medicine. Swiss Society of AAM Annual Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland; 28-30 November 2007
64 Baranova H. From nutrigenomics to dermagenetics. IMCAS (International Master Course on Aging Skin). Paris, France. January 2008
65 Baranova H. Genomics – the art of Wellbeing. International Unique advanced Seminar in Genomics. Module 1, 2, 3; Nice, France, January, June, October 2008
66 Baranova H. Genomics view of ageing and longevity: 2 sides of the coin. International Nutrigenomics Conference, Paris, France, 13-14 March, 2008
67 Baranova H. Modern vision of Genomics and weight control programmes International Seminar ; Spanish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, Valencia, Spain, October 2008,
68 Baranova H. New perspectives of Genomics for Anti-Aging Medicine. Dermagenetics. International Congress of Aestetical Medicine and Dermatology ; Polish Society of Aesthetical Medicine, Warsaw, Poland , October 2008
69 Baranova H. Genomics and weight control programmes. World Congress in Anti-Aging Medicine; World Society in AAM, Paris, France, October 2008
70 Baranova H. Genomics for Medical Wellness. Luxury New GENEration Programmes – Plenary lecture, and 3 presentations International Congress in AAM and medical SPAs. World Society of Anti- Aging Medicine, Dubai, November 2008
71 Baranova H. Genomics – the art of wellbeing. 2 plenary lectures and 1 ½ day workshop for the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine. Monaco, March 2009
72 Baranova H. Genomics for anti-aging medicine – how to apply? Main benefits and pitfalls. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine international annual congress Dubai, 8-9 November 2009
73 Baranova H. Anti-aging genomics for Medical SPA usage World congress in Medical SPA, Dubai, 19-21 November 2009
74 Baranova H. Genomics – the art of wellbeing – Public conference for Monaco Women Club (SAFRA bank). Monaco, Hotel Metropole, 17 September, 2009
75 Baranova H. Genomics from A to Z. Module 1 2 days International Seminar, BARANOVA European Institute in Personalized Prevention. Monaco, 30 – 31 January, 2010
76 Baranova H. Soiree “Haute Couture” Prevention Public conference together with Daniele de Winter. Monaco, 30 – 31 January, 2010
77 Baranova H. Practical applications of genomics for anti-aging medicine. International Congress in Anti-Aging and Preventive Medicine, 18 March, Milan, 2010
78 Baranova H. 2 lectures in Epigenomics and Practical applications of genetic testing. World Anti-Aging Medicine Congress, Monaco, 8-10 April, 2010
79 Baranova H. Cosmetogenoics – new revolutionnary tool in personalized prevention – EU Congress in Anti-Aging and Esthetic Medicine; World Society in AAM, Paris, France, 14-17 October 2010
80 Baranova H. “Haute Couture” Prevention Club – special public conference – Monaco, 16 November 2010 Metropole Palace
81 Baranova H. Preventive Genomics – practical applications. special public conference, Lausanne Palace, 25 November, Lausanne, Switzerland
82 Baranova H. Genomics for AAM. Plenary lecture. – IMCAS, World Congress, Paris, 6 January 2011
83 Baranova H. Genomics of Beauty, Bellaplastie Public Congress, Paris, 19 March, 2011 Paris, France
84 Baranova H. Preventive Genomics – from A to Z. Business Presentation for Philippe Morris Holding, 21 March, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland
85 Baranova H. Preventive Genomics – from cosmetogenomics to beautyomics. ½ day international workshop. World Congress in AAM, 24-26 March, 2011 Monaco
86 Baranova H. Genomics of Anti-Aging Medicine. Plenary lecture for State University Diploma in Predictive Medicine for Medical Practice, University of Istanbul, Faculties of Pharmacy and Medicine, 14 – 17 April, 2011
87 Baranova H. Anti-aging genomics – mistakes and perspectives – Plenary lecture for british Anti-Aging Society, London, September 2011
88 Baranova H. Epigenomics – the basis of Personalised medicine – World Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine, Monaco, 29-31 March 2012
89 Baranova H. Cosmetogenomics and new GENEration Products – Europe- Asia Congress in Cosmetics, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-18 May, 2012
90 Baranova H. Anti-Aging genomics – modern vision and new perspectives. International Congress in Active Longevity, Moscow, 6-8 June 2012
91 Baranova H. Genomics from A to Z. Professional training for doctors, Moscow, International Congress in Active Longevity, June 2012
92 Baranova H., Innovation technologies for Luxury Sector, SPA International Conference, Beijing, China, 19-21 june 2012
93 Baranova H. Situation of personalised medicine in Europe. International Congress in Active Longevity, Moscow, September 2013
And many more