LYCOGENE DETOX II it is genetic detox and a skin beauty activator
It protects the body from harmful external and internal toxic effects (smoking, alcohol, drugs). LYCOGENE DETOX II regulates the processing of any incoming substances, helps to restore the joy of sex. It helps to cleanse the skin and smooth out wrinkles. There are also favorable effects on cognitive abilities.

The unique development of Professor Elena Baranova
International expert in genomics and anti-ageing medicine
The unique development of Professor Elena Baranova
International expert in genomics and anti-ageing medicine
About the product
LYCOGENE DETOX II is a unique formula with highly purified lycopene, which stimulates gene regulation processes and activates our detox genes. Any substances or products that enter our bodies can affect the genes work, for example, slow them down or activate harmful genes to the body. To prevent this, special attention should be paid to genetic detox. Lycopene allows you to enhance the genetic detox and stop the organism pollution. LYCOGENE DETOX II accelerates detoxification processes, cleanses the skin, decreases stress. It is highly recommended for getting back the energy
1 capsule daily before breakfast, in the morning.
1 package
30 capsules

2 package
60 capsules

3 package
90 capsules

Active ingredients

Is an antioxidant found in all red vegetables and fruits.
It is a reinforced and purified formula that activates the genes optimization. 1 capsule can replace 2 kg of strawberries or tomatoes. Lycopene through the activation of detox genes contributes to the cleansing of the entire body. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, increasing their resistance to stress. It improves the condition of the skin and protects it from the aggressive effects of the sun.
Niacin (B3)
Is necessary for the efficient nervous system functioning
Niacin in combination with lycopene gives a greater effect.
It also improves the resistance of mucous membranes to unwanted influences. As well as, it participates in the processes of intracellular metabolism
Is an antioxidant found in all red vegetables and fruits.
It is a reinforced and purified formula that activates the genes optimization. 1 capsule can replace 2 kg of strawberries or tomatoes. Lycopene through the activation of detox genes contributes to the cleansing of the entire body. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, increasing their resistance to stress. It improves the condition of the skin and protects it from the aggressive effects of the sun.
Niacin (B3)
Is necessary for the efficient nervous system functioning
Niacin in combination with lycopene gives a greater effect.
It also improves the resistance of mucous membranes to unwanted influences. As well as, it participates in the processes of intracellular metabolism

LYCOGENE DETOX II passed the latest quantum genomics studies
This product is effective for a prevention of cancer that occurs due to the detox genes dormant state. Up to 95% of cancer cases, according to the studies, originate in the body because a person is not taking care of his/her genetic potential.
LYCOGENE DETOX II, as other products of Professor Baranova, has passed unique and most efficient tests based on the principle of quantum genomics, which have no analogues.

Results of quantum dynamics studies
Before intaking
There is a low energy level in all categories, from physical condition to intellectual activity.
The biofield is small, unfilled, with uneven boundaries. The color spectrum indicates the fatigue fatigue.
A decrease in the red, orange and yellow spectra indicates severe physical fatigue.
A decrease in the blue, light blue, violet spectra indicates a decrease in brain activity, emotional exhaustion, psychological fatigue up to depressive states.
Reduced green spectrum amplifies changes in physical and cerebro-psychic levels.

45 minutes after intaking:
There is an improvement in all previously reduced indicators, the person regained his energy potential.
The biofield became wider and almost approached the norm, the color spectrum shifted towards white – the color of activity and health.

Restores the skin beauty
Lycopene and vitamin B3 in a synergistic combination allows you to turn back the clock and restore the skin condition. We observe that wrinkles are smoothing out. Also excessive pigmentation and rashes disappear.
Brings joy
Increases the body's resistance

Restores the skin beauty
Lycopene and vitamin B3 in a synergistic combination allows you to turn back the clock and restore the skin condition. We observe that wrinkles are smoothing out. Also excessive pigmentation and rashes disappear.
You don’t have to give up what brings you pleasure to be helathy. LYCOGENE DETOX II activates genes that promote rapid detoxification processes when taking alcohol and nicotine, and you do not feel their negative effects. Thanks to this product there is no hangover, stress or breakdown. You live life to the fullest.
Increases the
body’s resistance
Wen genes do not function properly we observe: diseases of the heart and blood vessels, allergies, prostatitis. Activation of detox genes reduces the risk of this problems spectrum and improves resistance to stress and external harmful influences such as exhaust fumes, etc.